A very short history of the Ditty Bag – practicality and creativity at sea.

Originally made and used by sailors out of a scrap of sailcloth and a tail end of rope the Ditty Bag was an essential item for keeping their scant possessions safe and handyby.

Making their own Ditty Bag would teach young sailors a handful of essential on-board skills. Sewing seams with a sailmakers needle and palm, making grommets and eyelets and splicing rope.

Once completed it would hang by their hammock or bunk – and rather like scrimshaw decorating your Ditty Bag, or larger Sea Bag would fill up endless hours at sea, and provide a place for creativity (see first four images above).

The Ditty Bags I make for the Mariners Supply Company have evolved over the years and customers use them (not only to hang by their hammocks!) but for many different purposes –  gardening bags,  kitchen and bathroom tidies, workshop tool bags, craft project containers, lunch bags, artists brush/paint bags, for foraging and picnicking, camper van and narrow boat storage, plant holders - even filled with sand as doorstops! (See last two images above).

If you have an unusual use for yours please let me know!


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